Dhwani Solanki




Brainstorm my ideas
This helped me create my starting point and seeing where i could go with my work. It has made me come to a decision for looking at Natural disasters, this is because i want to see how the natural world can affect people and the man made world around it. It would give me a good starting point.


Research on natural disasters.
This has helped me look at what i will be dealing with overall. It has made me understand how much damage the nature can do to man made things.
my decision was: Natural disasters show strength of nature in a very extreme way. i want to focus on the less noticeable changes in our world.


Summing up
looking at everything i have so far i have came to a lot of understanding about what I've gathered, and what i'm going to do with it next.
Like i said before, i wanted to look at noticeable changes, so my plan for the next week is to take pictures of things such as decay, erosion and graveyards.


I decided to do some research on Sam Taylor-Wood. This was because i wanted to see an artist that looks at the natural and man-made world together. Looking at this work has influenced me to go to the beach and look the he waves going against a man made thing, such as a tyre.


looking at what the artist did with a bit of filming... i wanted to adapt to this, and i thought about looking at a crack in the concrete, and photoshoping it backwards, so that i cloned out all of the cracks, and then replayed it, so it looks like a crack is being formed.


Going to the beach
I went to the beach today and took pictures of waves slapping against the rocks. This focuses on erosion and how sometimes nature can go against itself to create the things that are natural.(how its supposed to be) Meaning there is no need for humans to create all the things we do.


Going to the graveyard
Today i took some pictures of statues and the unstable construction in the grave yard. This was very useful, and showed me a lot of newer possibilities about what i could be doing next, for example going to Kilburn Cemetery.


Create a movie of the beach
i decided to create a small movie that shows the sea crashing into the rocks, to show its strength. I took many pictures i a go, and put them all together to make it look like one flowing moving.
I received this idea from Sam Taylor-Wood, of creating still shots and mini movies.


Destruction site.
Luckily for me, there was a destruction of a hut going on in the school, i took advantage of this and decided to take a lot of pictures of the machinery picking up bits of the broken down building. I decided to create a film out of this too.
these films help me decide what  ways i want to show the strength of nature.


Pomegranate/Critical Studies
5 from 15 project. I had two weeks to take pictures of any object related to our work. Taking it from 50 different ways/angles. Then I had to evaluate out best 5 pictures and discussed with my peers what makes it a good picture. This project was like a mini ideas project that helped me to rebuild my knowledge over the project and the rules of photography


Critical Analysing. 
This consisted of gathering a few artists related to my project. I analysed their work, and also tired to see what techniques they use to make their pictures look so attractive/meaningful. I then tried to recreate a few images of my own by using some of these techniques.


Taking pictures
I took some pictures that would resemble with my project. I went on the Great West Road along with my peers to take pictures of things around us in our own area, that resembles to our work. 
I took a lot of experimentation pictures on this day, it really helped me because I got some really got pictures in the end of it. 

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