Dhwani Solanki


Make up

To me, make up is one of the biggest ways natural people become too man made, it is also the most common way of being man made too, as it is available almost everywhere and can be a cheap option too. However, even though buying make up can be very cheap compared to having a plastic surgery, the overall statistics show that people spend around

Anorexia/ Obesity 


Plastic surgery

Already you can see how many people go so far to be physically perfect. Being digitally perfect may take time and effort, and also professionals being at your doorstep for every photograph you take. But people see making themselves perfect to begin with by using plastic surgery and being physically flawless as an easier, more permanent option. 
As you can see in the image above of Heidi Montag changing her body in 10 ways being "addicted to plastic surgery", she did not need the surgery in first place. I asked how many people thought she needed a surgery, and 37 our of 40 people i asked said she was not in need for surgery at all.