Dhwani Solanki


Mike Stimpson

I chose Mike Stimpson as my second photographer research because I really liked the idea of using other objects to get across a point.
As a hobby, Mike Stimpson used Lego to re-create famous photographs taken in the past.
He has a great interest in experimenting with light,
which was very interesting for me becuase looking at his photographs I realised how important lighting can be in an image.

I also like his images becuase of theuse of depth of field in them. This enhances the image and its most important subjects.
The use of shallow depth of field allows the foreground to stand out against the blurred background.
I like this photograph taken by Stimpson not only becuase of the near to perfect replication of the original image by Henri Cartier-Bresson, but also becuase of the way he lit up the image, and created the effect wanted to through the lighting and set.

I really liked the use of set and lighting to create the appropriate image. Here I have experimented a few of my own Lego sets and created some images that show stalking.

I really like this image becuase of the use of light. unlike in the other pictures, this one has the stalker looking very bright and the light is focused on him to show him there. This effect is the complete opposite of what normal stalking pictures would look like as normally you would show the stalker hiding, rather than being exposed. I have also defocused the lego girl sleeping in her bed becuase it shows innocence and comfort, compared to the sharp aware staker at the window.
This picture isnt as good as the others as the setting isnt properly established. However, i like the use of macro and shadows in this image. I feel that if I made this picture quite dark and added more plants or building in the background, it would have filled the effect I was trying to get.
I like this picture mainly becuase of the use of macro/depth of field. This is becuase it is opposite to whats shown in the first image. Instead of being exposed, the stalker is behind the scene and hiding in the bushes quite blurred out.
I have also tried an involved real life into this image, for example real trees, paper, and grass. This is becuase i was experimenting with the setting. I also like the bright natural day lighting in this image as it makes it look quite good.
However, i did preffer the dark a bit more as they did look a lot more sinister.

Here are a few pictures showing my set and the lighting for it. I used a small lamp light to light up  the images i took.