Dhwani Solanki


John Baldessari

I found this photographer very interesting because his exhibitions are always quite odd but very meaningful. The exhibition i will be looking at for my research is "Noses & Ears, Etc." Some of these images are shown below and annotated according to what i feel about them. 
(Click to enlarge)
Here is my own interpretation my these images. I have used the "stalker" step 8 picture to experiment using this technique. I took his face out and coloured it in yellow, and then I took out the stalker's nose and ears to then colour it in with blue. This was to hide the stalker's identity. 

I decided to not use any pictures of the actual stalker, this is because I don't want my audience to see the audience at all, i want them to see all the images of the girl that he stalks, so that as an overall it seems like the audience is the stalker, as they are looking at the girl they way the stalker would.